Yamaha Clavinova CLP - 700 series

Yamaha Clavinova CLP - 700 series
Posted By: Salonsmuzika Published: 29/04/2021 Times Read: 1355 Comments: 0

The new Yamaha CLP-700 series converts the slightest variations in touch into a limitless range of sound that captures your individuality as a musician. Thanks to the latest technology, CLP-700 series is as expressive as grand pianos, and offer a more wonderful playing experience than ever before, taking your expectations of what a digital piano can do to higher heights. The CLP Series of digital pianos utilizes cutting-edge technology to recreate the experience of performing on a grand piano, allowing the pianist to play the keys with many variations of speed and depth to achieve an unlimited variation in tone and create uniquely personal performances. With expressive capabilities approaching those of a grand piano, the CLP-700 Series is sure to make playing the piano so much more enjoyable than ever before


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